
日籍老師教日文。 Teacher teach Japanese very kindly and seriously, and make you be a nice speaker.

房屋位于香港长洲东湾海滩,400尺开放式,屋内家具家电齐全,步行至海滩仅需2分钟,步行至长洲码头仅需5分钟。租期6个月以上租金9000HKD每月,包水电差饷管理费,租期小于6个月每月10000HKD包括水电差饷管理费。有意请联络29817299 杜生 Situated on the Cheung Chau Island of Hong Kong, Miami Resort offe
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laundry machines size :73*82*42cm. We bought this one Hkd 1996 on 15th Jan 2014.(I have a receipt and instruction) We want to sell this one Hkd300, and if someone need it, needs to self pick-up. Engl

Good and convenient location btw Ya Ma Tei and Jordan MTRs, top floor with good and bright view, suitable for a single in flexible short term or long term stay

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